Sunday, December 6, 2009

Poor Health, Reasons of

For our healthy life and unhealthy life mximum we are directly responsiblity than other fctor and factors beyond our control. If we are mentaly healthy, it is certain our shpae of physical health will be good and if not, one day it will surfce out as physical sickness. All our negative traits, thinking ,behaviour, attitude and habits are responsible for our poor mental and physical health condition. If we are mentally healthy, then only it can be expected that we will remain physically healthy and viceversa.

To moot over some points gathered here to identify the elements which are responsible for our poor health and diseases will be benificial and will add to improve our health.The list is neither exhaustive nor complete,this is only a rough sketch to inspire us to think in this direction.
1.Do we breath properly?
2.Do we eat properly
3. does our diet and food habits are ok?
4.Do we sleep properly/our sleeping habits are ok/do we take sufficient sleep?
5.Do we drink water properly ?
6.Do we discharge urine and get cleared our bowl daily satisfactorily?
7.does our sitting habits is ok?
8.Do we care of our health properly?
9.Do we rush to doctor for each and every problem even for very minor problems?
10.Are we always conscious and afraid of our health?
11.Do we think and try to be free of any health problem in natural way without any medication?
12.Do we have positive outlook towards word?
13.Do we suffer of jeoulsiness ?
14. Are we sympathetic to poors,weaker and helpless People?
15.Are we compassionate to others?
16.Are we too much sensitive?
17.Do we get easily irretated and become angry?
18.Do we try to surpass/by pass others by unfairly.
19.Do we want to show more then what we really possesses?
20.DO we consider ourself superior to others
21.Are we sober and well mannered and behave gently with others?
22.Do we as want to show ourself superior to others even we are not worthy?
23.Are we crooked?
24.Are we thief?
25.Are we corrupt?
26.Are we induldged excessively in sex?
27 Do we try to cheat others?
28.Do we speak a lie most of the times
29.Do we want to create wealth by unfair means and dishonestly?
30.Are we over greedy?
31.Do we compare ourself always with others?
32.Do we feel ourself disgraced, if we see others better then us?
33.Do we belive in God or think it as a hypothetical?
34.Is there any body in our life to whom we feel affectionate and respectful who can be helpful to us selflessly?
35.Is there any great man, whom we consider as revered and want to follow him , who propounded for love, peace, compassion, selflessly?
36.Do we ever think beyond materialistic world?
37.Do we ever see towards sky, sun, moon, stars, flowers and ponders about their vastness and beauties?
38.Do we ever spare time to see river, ponds, sea , nature and become happy?
39.Do we have compassion to other creatures, animals and feel there sufferings?
40.Do we feel happy when we see animals being killd?
41.Can we kill any one for our gain?
42.Are we dedicated and honest to our partner?
43.Do we take care of our children properly?
44.Do we always look to others for love and respect from others?
45.Do we respect others?
46.Do we try to be social and take part in social activities
47.Do we repent when we commit a crime and serious mistake to others?
48.Do we see a lady as a sex item
49.Do we love peace or fighting?
50 Are we compatible with new culture, environment?
51.can we adapt /accomodate in new environment ?
52.Do we want to satisfy our ego at the cost of others?
52.Do we try to blame others for our fault?
53.Do we try to escape from our responsibilities?
54.Is there any body in our life whom we can rely fully?
55.Are we an extravagant?
56.Do we prepare our budget within our limit?
57.Do we plan properly before starting our new business?
58.Do we invest in any scheme after proper study?
59.Do we start early to save for our future?
60.Are we Alcohalic?
61.Are we addictes to drugs, tobacco,smoking?
62.Do we think of divorce and changing of our partner/wife?
63.Do we prefer to live alone and isolated?
64.Do we get easily frustrated and annoyed?
65.When we are sad and in a state of sorrow , do we feel relived when some one else are in the same state?
66.Do we feel jealousiness at others success and prosperity?
67.Do we always try to avoid physical work?
68.Do we practice regularly any exercises, yoga,meditation,walking,jogging etc to improve our health?
69.Are we over all disciplined?

The list is intended to make us convenient to contemplate and explore the reasons of our poor health and improve our thinking, habits,behaviour,our attitude towards other fellow. Doctors and medicines do not make us healthy.They only provide relief.we have to discover reasons of our poor health to remain healthy.

Emotional shock,Emotional Trauma, Psychological Trauma

Different type of opportunities appears before us in our day to day struggle of life. Some time we have good moments before us,get oppertunity to listen good news, feels extremely happy and some times we have to face very adverse momentts, sad news which shaken our whole existence deeply. Both type , wheather good or bad moments in our life in its extremity, have serious affects on our emotional and psychlogical level. Both type of feeling good or bad in its extremity creates a situation like mental shock. Symptoms based some Homoeopathy medicines, which are generally useful in such cases are mentioned below,

Veratrum Album, 30: Useful for the symptoms, if after mental shock of sweating starts from head, forehead, and body.

Camphor Q, 3: Patient feels coldness like ice after mental shock. It has some peculiar symptoms. Patients feel hotness in side the body but feels coldness above the skin. Patient feels coldness but can not tolerate cloth covering on the body and if he is covered with cloth, throws away.
Aconite, 3, and 30: Useful if reason of the mental shock is fear, patient got frightened which developed the condition of mental shock.

Coffea, 30,200: Useful, If all of sudden some good news, extreme joy is the reason of developing some mental symptoms, shock like condition.

Anger, Avarice, Greed, Miserliness.

During selection of the Homeopathic Medicine for a patient, the mind symptoms occupy a great significance. In the Homoeopathic way of treatment, it is belived that mind is the root cause of most of the diseases and if mind is healthy ,then other associated problems will disappear.
The problems related to mind are varied in the form of Anger,Avrice,greed,miserliness,,brooding,cheating,deciving,craving,desire for company, Desire and disgust for foods, Depression, Fear, Forgetfulness, brain fag,Homesickness,Indifference,Jelousiness,Pride,quarellsomeness,suicideal tendency, Impulses, suspicion, weeping tendency.
Part wise details of medicines are provided for ease and convenience for the user to get desired information conveniently.

Remedies for Anger:

Nux Vomica, 30: patient can tolerate the opposition, Always ready to take revenge, Irritating, can not bear opposition from any body ,not even from any object like chair etc. when Chair, tables come on his way, he throws away with his legs with irritation and anger. It is preferred at bed time is the most appropriate time for use of Nux Vomica.
The physical characteristics of Nux Vomica are lean and thin body, very sensitive nature and angry temperament.

Chamomile,3,6,30:Fastidious children, who asks and cries for some object but when offered ,throwaway the object, Child cries and can be quitened in laps of the mother or someone, He keep quite till he is in the lapse and when removed from lapse again starts to cry.
Due to anger, diarrhea, cough, cramps can develop with the child.
This is not suitable for a child who is calm and quite.
If after a gap of 20 days ,it is given in 1 CM potency to the child, the child remains calm and quite.

Staphisagria,3, 6, 30: Fastidious children, who asks and cries for some object but when offered ,throwaway the object. A person is very much concerned and conscious about other remarks and comments about himself, what other people thinks about him bothers him too much.
Extreme anger, explosion of anger, moves backward and forward in anger.
This is very much suitable if the reason of the disease is anger and insult done to him.

Iodum,3,30: Impulses and impulsive attack of anger, desires to kill his opponent immediately or some else who come on his way. He bothers for present, does not bothers for future at all.

Lycopodium,30: There are similarity in the symptoms of Nux Vomica and Lycopodium. But Nux patient become angry when some one approaches to him for fight but in Case of Lycopodium, patient appears to be always in search of opportunity to fight and quarrel and attack to others. The physical symptoms of Lycopodium are lean and thin figure and very sensitive
The physical characteristics of Lycopodium patient are lean and thin body, very sensitive nature and angry temperament

Remedies for Avarice, greed, Miserliness:

Lycopodium, 30: This is very useful for the symptoms related to Avarice, greed, Miserliness. Nux Vomica and Lycopodium both are lean and thin and angry. But Lycopodium is Avarice, greedy and Miserliness.

Pulsatila, 30: This patient is also Avarice, greedy and Miserliness. It is absent minded, low spirited and of soft nature.

Sulphur,30: This is extremely selfish, Avarice, greedy and Miserliness. It do not care for others at all.

Arsenic Alb,30: If the above medicines are successful, then it become beneficial inmost of the cases.

Fear,Desire for company, Consolation,Sympathy.

Aconite,30: fear with restlessness, fear of death, fear without any reason, fear of death during pregnancy, fear of darkness, ghost, fear of noise, fear of crowd, fear during travel in train, aero plane, Fear in bath room that he will dye during bathing,. Patient forecast timing of death but that proves false, can not sleep alone at night. Patient is always restless, distressed and sad.

Argentum Nitricum,3, 6,30: Fear of mental weakness and inability, low self confidence, fear and nervousness,, anticipatory fear, fear during waiting for some one, some events,. As long as the events are over, patient remains fearful. Horridness in all the activities.
Gelsemium,30: Fear of getting bomb dropped during war time, Increased heart palpitation due to fear, imaginary fear, anticipatory fear,. Tiredness, laziness, weakness, tremors are associated with fear. Patient is hot.
Phosphorus, 30: Fearful of Impending, imminent disaster. Patient is cold.

Belladonna, 30: Fear with anguish, weeping, crying due to Fear.
Stramonium, 30:Fear of loneliness, can not remain alone, fear of darkness, can not sleep without light, fear of water, fear of shining object, fear of dogs,,. This is useful for madness with associated various type of fears.
Cupru Meatlicum,6,30: Useful for Spasm, cramps due to fear.

Kali carb, 30: Fear of loniness, fear at evening due to being alone when goes to bed.

Platina, 30: Fear with sorrowfulness, grief.

Hyocymus, 30; Fear of being killed, getting injured by some one, getting insulted by some one, fear from other people, fear of being poisoned.

Opium, 30: For the diseases which has originated due to fears, distress and fearful due to various types of imaginary fears, Diarrhea, loose motion due to fear.

Calcarea carb, 30: Fear of accident, fear of going to be mad, fear of getting his inability exposed and people will know about his weaknesses.

Hydrophobinum (Lysine), 200: Most important remedy for fear of water.

Desire For Company:

Aurum met, 30: Desire of company when suffering of some heart problem.

Stramonium, 30:Fear of loneliness, can not remain alone, fear of darkness, can not sleep without light, fear of water, fear of shining object, fear of dogs,,. This is useful for madness with associated various type of fears. In madness he talks too much, sometimes laugh, some time starts weeping, some time abuses to others, some times starts praying. For all these he wants company of some one.
Sepia, 30: Fear of being alone.

Consolation (Sympathy)
Natrum Mur, 30: Distress, sad, sorrowfulness. Patient dislike consolation and sympathy .Patient’s conditions worsen after consolation.

Sepia, 30: constipation, Leucorrhea, Patient’s conditions worsen after consolation,can not live alone, She weeps when telling about her symptoms,, Indifferent towards her children, husband and other relative.

Pulsatila, 30: Extreme desire for sympathy and consolation, desire to get consolation and sympathy from others.

Ignatia, 200: Patient‘s condition worsen after getting consoled in Hysteria.

Lilium Tig, 30: especially useful for diseases related to uterus,. Discharge during movement and stops when in rest or sitting, lay down, Always desires to weep.Get irritated when some body shows sympathy and consolation

Grief,Fear,Anticipatory Anxiety.

This is a very dreadful state of mind which keeps in constant state of worries, tension, fear and dread of coming events which may be real or imaginary. The fear may not be real. It is a state of mind that do not allow a man to remain happy, even when there is no reason to worry and fear. It always keeps low spirited and in a fearful state of mind.This can be termed as contimous living in a Hell.
A person suffering from this disease may have the following symptoms,
Faerful of upcoming events. Fear ful of imaginary events, Fearful of crowd, lack of courage, shyness, cowardice nature, fearful of facing the day to day life problems, can not face a man boldly of higher status, Inferiority complex, fearful of facing embarrasement, getting insulted, ridiculed and offended in his office or work place, constant state of insecurity, fearful of meeting of unfamiliar people and day to day life challenges.
It do not appears as a serious health problem but it is certainly a serious mental problem. It makes life very difficult and run off with the charms of being alive.

There may be various reasons behind developing of Anticipatory fear. Unhealthy environment of childhood, Grown up in an environment of suppression, demoralizing condition, demotivation, discouragement, Overshyness, lack of courage to face the challenges of life, mental weakness, weak memory, psychological condition and having an environment full of negativity, negative company, unhealthy family life, being terrified, terrorized etc. To a certain extent Anticipatory fear is always present with evey one but beyond a certain limits when these symptoms becomes very much obvious, can not be said to be a normal state of mind and must be treated to save oneself from misery and constant mind pain.
Among the best treatment is to conceive himself that to remain alive, struggles of varied form to be faced. One can not see the future with perfection, the future can not be seen and our worry will not stop the unpleasant events . One should be ready to face every circumstances in life. Feeling of insecurity should be kept away from the mind. Each and Every thing is in the state of constant change, the present state of happiness may change to unhappiness and vice versa. Being ready to face every type of situations and circumstances can be helpful in overcoming this anticipatory fear. Social activity and meeting to people and developing friendship, sharing the grifs and pain with other, becoming helpful and sympathetic to others and developing other human qualities may also prove helpful to get out of this problem. Use of excessive Alcohol, drugs, cigarette, Tobacco will not prove helpful to improve the condition, rather it will worsen the condition after using for some time.

If the above efforts do not prove to be helpful, psychiatric should be consulted to come out of this agony.
This psychological problem is not less painful than the most painful diseases present on the earth. The other diseases may kill soon and make free from sufferings but this gives constant pain and makes life pathetic and miserable.
Anticipatory fear and anxiety keeps always in a fearful state of and nothing can be worse than this.
There are many resources of getting rid of this suffering but will power is the uppermost if this does not belongs to genetic problem.
Various type of resources and treatment are available in all system of medicines like Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Homoeopathy, naturopathy, and Alternative medicines and other practices.. Besides this Yoga, meditation, pranayam are also helpful. If this prolonged state of mind, one should consult the psychiatrist.
Some homoeopathic medicines commonly used based on the symptoms are,

Mind diseasesFear,Consolation,Sympathy,Suicidal Impulses,Impulses to kill,Pride,Arrogance,Egotism, Jelouseness,Home Sickness,Weeping

Mental symptoms play vital roles in selection of Appropriate Medicine in Homeopathic system of Medicine. In Allopathic system also due importance is given for treatment of the Mental symptoms as well as Physical symptoms, but in Allopathic system, diseases are not treated in totality, i.e. consideration of the overall symptoms is not essential. In that system individual organ, individual part of the body is focused and treated, but in Homoeopathic system , Medicine is judged in totality of the symptoms, taking into consideration of both physical and mental symptoms and without this ,no appreciable success to cure a patient can be expected.
Some of the various mental symptoms which manifest, when the weakening of the vital force starts and diseased condition prevail, are, Depression, Fear, Anxiety, Melancholy, lack of Confidence, Anticipated and imaginary fears, Hearing abnormal sounds, Talking with Imaginary figure, Talkative, Impulses, Avarice, Greed, Miser, Suspicious, Pride, Arrogance, Quarrelsome, Desire for sympathy and Consolation, Weeping and many more.
When there are some mental symptoms, there is some associated physical diseased condition also whether they may be visible or not and similarly when there are some physical diseases, certainly there will be some associated mental symptoms also.

Based on Mental symptoms, some of the Medicines mentioned here may be helpful to decide appropriate medicine.

Aconite,30: fear with restlessness, fear of death, fear without any reason, fear of death during pregnancy, fear of darkness, ghost, fear of noise, fear of crowd, fear during travel in train, aero plane, Fear in bath room that he will dye during bathing,. Patient forecast timing of death but that proves false, can not sleep alone at night. Patient is always restless, distressed and sad.

Argentum Nitricum,3, 6,30: Fear of mental weakness and inability, low self confidence, fear and nervousness,, anticipatory fear, fear during waiting for some one, some events,. As long as the events are over, patient remains fearful. Horridness in all the activities.
Gelsemium,30: Fear of getting bomb dropped during war time, Increased heart palpitation due to fear, imaginary fear, anticipatory fear,. Tiredness, laziness, weakness, tremors are associated with fear. Patient is hot.
Phosphorus, 30: Fearful of Impending, imminent disaster. Patient is cold.

Belladonna, 30: Fear with anguish, weeping, crying due to Fear.
Stramonium, 30:Fear of loneliness, can not remain alone, fear of darkness, can not sleep without light, fear of water, fear of shining object, fear of dogs,,. This is useful for madness with associated various type of fears.
Cupru Meatlicum,6,30: Useful for Spasm, cramps due to fear.

Kali carb, 30: Fear of loniness, fear at evening due to being alone when goes to bed.

Platina, 30: Fear with sorrowfulness, grief.

Hyocymus, 30; Fear of being killed, getting injured by some one, getting insulted by some one, fear from other people, fear of being poisoned.

Opium, 30: For the diseases which has originated due to fears, distress and fearful due to various types of imaginary fears, Diarrhea, loose motion due to fear.

Calcarea carb, 30: Fear of accident, fear of going to be mad, fear of getting his inability exposed and people will know about his weaknesses.

Hydrophobinum (Lysine), 200: Most important remedy for fear of water.


Natrum Mur, 30: Distress, sad, sorrowfulness. Patient dislike consolation and sympathy .Patient’s conditions worsen after consolation.
Sepia, 30: constipation, Leucorrhea, Patient’s conditions worsen after consolation,can not live alone, She weeps when telling about her symptoms,, Indifferent towards her children, husband and other relative.

Pulsatila, 30: Extreme desire for sympathy and consolation, desire to get consolation and sympathy from others.

Ignatia, 200: Patient‘s condition worsen after getting consoled in Hysteria.

Lilium Tig, 30: especially useful for diseases related to uterus,. Discharge during movement and stops when in rest or sitting, lay down, Always desires to weep.Get irritated when some body shows sympathy and consolation .
Mind: Impulses, Suicidal impulses, Impulses to kill, suspicion.
Heper Sulph, 30: Very Impulsive. Barber’s when shaving, cutting hairs, desire to cut the throat of the customer.
Aurum Met, 30: Suicidal impulses is very much pronounced, desire to commit suicide by jumping from high building, Always thinks about committing suicide. Patient has great impulses of committing suicide and even tries and takes action for committing the suicide. Have no fear for committing suicide, can commit suicide if gets opportunity.
ArsenicAlb,3 0: Impulsive. Desires to kill some body. Impulse and desire to commit suicide due to disappointment, failure in life but have fear for commiting suicide. In case of Aurum Met this fear is gone.
Nux Vomica,30: Thinks and talks only about suicide but lack courage to commit suicide. Patient has impulses to kill her children, to kill by throwing her into fire, water.
Iodum,30: Impulses to kill someone without any reason, to murder someone without any reason, to destroy any thing, to sabotage and lit the fire and destroy every thing, impulses to flee away.
Argentum Nitricum, 3, 6, 30: Impulses of jumping into river, pond, well to kill himself.

Ustialgo,3: Symptoms similar to Argentum Nitricum,30.

Lysine (Hydrophobinum), 200: Impulses to injure and kill himself with the knife or whatever patient has in his hand.

Suspicion :

Lachesis, 30: Patient is very much suspicious to others and jealousy also.
Hyocymus, 30: Very much suspicion, does not belive and have faith to anyone, Refuses to take medicine, thinks he is being poisned to kill her, him. People are making a plot against him, suspicion towards her close relatives, children, and husband, thinks some one are behind him, his friends are no longer friendship to him,, while walking, see backward again and again to ensure that is some one following and behind him to harm, hypothetical and imaginary symptoms.

Jealousy, Jealousness:

Hyocymus, 30: Very much suspicious and jealosy, anger and irritation due to jealousness, desire to kill, injure others due to Jealousness, Madness due to jealousness, talks abusive and quarrelsome, make himself, herself naked, some times laugh abnormally without any reason and sometimes weep.
Apis, 30: Jealousness can not be pacified, extreme anger due to Jealousness.
Lachesis, 30: Jelousness like a mad without any reason,, very much talkative, continued talking, suspicious, Unaware of time.

Pride, Arrogance, Egotism

Platina,30: Thinks he is great, he is great in all respect both physically and mentally to others, No one is superior to him. Hatful to others, haughtiness, consider all the people are inferior to him.

Home Sickness

Capsicum, 3, 6: When student, Children go to hostel, boarding, he always remember his home, parents and keep on weeping silently and in isolation. He does not participate in games. He does not interest in his study. After application of some doses, the child forgets about his home, parents and take part in all the activities at his hostel.
Acid Phos, 1x, 3x: Strong desires of going back to his home, If this desire is not fulfilled, some symptoms of sickness develops and those symptoms can be well cured by this. This is useful for weakness of nervous system. If child suffers of mental shock and grief due to separation, homesickness, that get cured by Acid phos.


Natrum Mur, 30: Women seeks isolation to weep, feels bad and get angry if some one try to console her, angry about triffle things, There are reasons behind weeping her like death of some dear one, separation from loved one, disappointment in love etc. Some times laughing and weeping goes on simultaneously, eyes are full of tears and laughs also, both at the same time.
Pulsatila, 30: Most important remedy for ailments of weeping tendency. Desire sympathy and to be consoled by others, Tears come out from her eyes very easily, tells about her symptoms and goes on weeping.
Sepia, 200: Weeps while talking of her symptoms, Dislikes sympathy and consolation, , Indifferent towards her loved one, children, husband etc,. Suffers of some diseases of uterus. Dislike to be alone and fearful when she is alone.
Ignatia, 200: She sighs and sobs, remain isolated and silent, does not talk to any body,sad and sorrowful, distressed. There are always some reasons behind her distress and sorrows, Moods go on changing, some times weep and some time start laughing without any reason. An important remedy for Hysteria.
Moschus, 3: This is also a remedy of Hysteria. Mood keeps on changing, alternate weeping and laughing. If once start to laugh, goes on laughing continuously, can not stop her laughing.
Coffea, 200: Tears due to extreme joy , happiness.
Starmonium, 30: Weeps and cries loudly during insanity.
Medorrhinum, 1M: can not talk without weeping, Forgets about the talking subject , Fearful of darkness, When moves in darkness ,imagines some one might have been coming behind him, Very sad and despondency, suicidal tendency,.
Some time these symptoms may appear due to gonorrhea also.
This medicine is used after a long gap.

Desire, Disgust ,Craving,

The craving, Desire, Disgust for various food items are very helpful in selecting the appropriate Medicines in Homoeopthic System of Medicines.. The Crving, Desire and disgust shown by the patient and correponding Homeo Medicines are shown to select right medicine.

Craving, Desire, disgust:


Sulphur, 30, 200: Continuous desire for Alcohol.

Phosphorus, 200: In Alcoholic, there starts irritation in stomach for Alcohol.

Sulphuric Acid, Q: According to Dr. Herring, one part of Sulphuric Acid, Q mixed with three part of Alcohol, is used three times a day for for 3-4 months, it removes the craving for Alcohol.

Plumbum, 30: This has peculiar symptom. If restriction is imposed for use of Alcohol than patient steals money to buy alcohol and if a restriction is removed, then desire for Alcohol goes away.

Tarantula Hyspenia, 6, 30: Desire for eating Sand,Ash during pregnancy and Dysmenorrhea.

Nitric Acid, 6: desire for eating soil and chalk.
Alumina, 30: Desire for starch, chalk, coal or something which is indigestible.

Cicuta, 30: Desire for coal and chews coal with taste..

Passiflora, Q: Desire for Cocaine.

Avena sativa, Q: Craving for Cocaine, Afeem.

Phytolaca, 3: Patient finds interesting to bite his gum and lips.

Caladium,6: Crving for Tobacco.

Tabacum, 200, 1M; craving for smoking, Tobacco.


Pickles: Antim crude, Lachasis, sulphure, Veretrum Album.

Anything Made of Floure, Maida: Natum Mur

Egg: Calcarea Carb

Potato: Natrum Carb, Olium

Raw Potato: Calcarea Carb

Cucumber, Kheera: Antim crude, Veratrum Album

Kachori, Samosa: Calacrea Carb

Bitter Testing Food: Digitalis, Natrum Mur

Kabab: Calcarea Phos, Causticum, Kreososte

Coffe: Alumen, Arsenic, Bryonia, Carbo Veg, Conium, Mezerium, Nux Moschata, Selenium

Black Pepper: Lac Caninum

Banana: Theridion

Coal, Stone: Alumen, Calcarea, Cicuta

Fruits Soure Tasting: Arsenic, Cystus, Veratrum Album

Hot water: Arsenic, Bryonia, Lac Can,

Fat, Pig: Arsenic Alb

Fatty food: Ars, Heper, Nitric Acid, Nux V, Sulphure

Tea: Calcarea Sulph, Heper S, Hydrastis.

Lime, Slate, Soil,- Alumen, Calcarea carb, Cicuta, Nitric Acid, Nux Vom

Cold Meal: Phos, Pulse

Cold juice: Acon, Ars, Bryonia, Chamomila, China, Cina, Upetorium Perfoliatum, Natrum Sulph, Veratrum Alb

Tobacco; Staphisagria, Tabacum

Somking: Glonoine

Milk – Rhus Tox

Milk- Hot- Abrotanum, Natrum Sulph

Milk Cold- Phosphorus,, Rhus Tox, Tuberculinum

Salty Items- Argentum Nit, Carbo V

Onion- Alium Cepa
Fruits: Alumen, Causticum, Medorrihnum, Natrum Mur, Phos, Sanicula, Veratrum Alb

Miscellaneous Items- Cina

Lemon- Ars, Veratrum Album

Pakwan: Sabadila

Cheese: Arg N, cystus, Ignatia, Moschus, Pulsetila

Bears, Alcohols: Acon, Ferum Phos, Medorrhinum,Nux,Sulphure

Brandy-Alcohol: Nux v, Opium

Butter: Merc Sol

Fish: Natrum Mur, Natum Phos, Phosphorus

Meat: Ferum Met, Graphite, Mag-Carb, Natrum mur, Sulphur

Sweet, Sugar: Argentum nit, China, Lyco, Sulphure

Juicy items: Acid phos, veratrum Album

Ashes: Tarantula

Wood Charcoal: Aelum, Cicuta, conium, Nitric Acid, Nux Vom

Alcohol: Arsenic alb, Capsicum, Crotalus, Lachesis, Lachesis, Nux V, sulphure

Honey: Sabadila

Peculiar items during Pregnancy: Chelidonium, Mag Carb

Orange: Elapse, Medorrhinum,Theredeon

Cider Alcohol: Sulphure

Sag: Alumina, Magnesia Mur

Vinegar: Heper sulph, sepia

Porke (meat) calcarea Phos, Mezerium, Tuberculinum

Apple: Aloe, Antim Tort, Sulphure, Tellurium,

Salad: Elapse

Tasty Items: China, Ipecac, Tuberculinum

Whisky-wine: Lac Caninum, Sulphure


Pickle: Abis Can

Egg Smell: Colchicum

Grain: Ars, Phos

Floure, Maida: Ars, Phos, Acid Phos,

Potato: Alumen, Thuja

Hard items: Ferum M, Staphisagria

Coffe: Calc, Nux V

Banana: Elaps

Khatai: Belladonna, Cocculus, Ferum M, sulphure

Meal: Ars, China, Cocculaus, Colchicum, Ferum M, Ipecac, Lilium Tig, Nux V, Pulsatila

Smell of Food: Cocculus, Colchicum, Ipecac, Podophylum

Hot Meal: Graphite, Phos, Pulsatila

Hot Water: Chamomila, Phos, Pulsatila

Beef: Merc sol

Fatty and Heavy Food: China, Pulsatila

Fatty Meat: Carbo Veg

Chocolate: Tarantula

Tea: Phosphorus

Tobacco: Calcarea Carb, Ignatia, Nux V

Tobacco Smoking: Ignatia

Liquid food: Graphites

Milk: Aethusa, Lac Defloratum, Natrun Carb

Salty items: Carbo veg, Graphites, Natrum Mur, selenium, sepia

Pakwan: Arsenic, Phosphorus

Cheese: Cheledonium, oleander

Water: Apis, Bel, Hyocymus, Nux V, Pulse, Stramonium

Water, cold: Caladium, Stramonium

Onion: Sabadila

Fruit: Baryta Carb, Ignatia

Ber9 fruite): Baryta Carb

Bear- Drinks: china, Ferum m,Nux V

Brandy Alcohol: Arnica, Ignatia, Merc Sol, Rhus Tox, Zincum Met

Fish: Colchicum, Graphites, Muratic Acid, Nux V, Petroleum, Pulse, Sepia, Silicia, Sulphure

Mother,s milk: Cina, Silicia

Sweets; Arsenic Alb, Causticum, Graphites, Merc sol, Phos, Sulphure, Zincum Met

Butter: China, Pulsatila

Bread (Roti): China, Natrum Mur

Garlic: Sabadila

Sorba: Arnica M, Graphites, Rhus Tox

All Food items: Pulsatila

Sabudana, Dalia, Barley etc.: Arsenic, Cal Carb

Sag-Bhaji: Helenias, Mag Carb

Pig (Meat): Colchicum, Drosera, Psorinum, Pulsatila

Apple: Lysin

Mind Brooding,Grief, Anxiety, Worry, Melancholia, Depression

In this materialistic world of today's, human being have all sorts of luxaries available which was unimaginable by our Fore Fathers, Ancestors.Today, if you have money, you can buy any luxury,car,motor,bungalow, can avail toure and travel and can reach in a very short span of time in any corner of the world .But one thing has been lost that is mental peace and happiness. Even after having so many luxaries, people are not happy , smile from the faces have disappeared and there is very much feeling of disaapointment and meaninglessness about life.Today's to keep healthy, artificial laughing is in practice but that implies to the age old saying "somthing is better than nothing". Full benifit of natural laughing can not be expected from artificial laughing, will it be able to create that wave of happiness which keeps us mentally healthy. In present age most of the men are not happy with there life,there jobs, there daily work but one have to live and survive and somthing is to be done to earn and to live.

Thess lost peace give rise to many type of Mental and physical diseases and associated symptoms.
Here are some medicines to overcome the diseased conditions of Indifference, Brooding, Grief, Anxiety, Worry, Melancholia and Depression etc based on symptoms.

Sepia, 30,200:Indifference about the activities of home affairs, indifference for his family, children, sits alone, dislikes sympathy,

Pulsatila, 30: Excessive Desire for sympathy.

Nat rum Mur,,30,200: when someone shows sympathy, becomes angry,

AmbraGracia, 2, 3: Indifference towards happiness and sorrows,, indifference for all, Indifference is so prominent that a matter which is shocking for a normal person, she do not show any reaction and observe indifferently.

Acid phos, 2x: Indifference due to weakness, nervous weakness and useful for indifference due to weakness.

Phosphorus, 30: Indifference toward his close family members, his children, friends, The main reason of indifference is over alcoholism.

Cyclamen,3: Indifference in old aged women after menopause.

Fluoric Acid, 6, 30: Shows indifference toward his/her affectionate people but shows affection toward unfamiliar people.


Phosphoric Acid,1,3: useful If a patient feels very sad about his present position condition, disappointed due to some mental shock, remain silent due to neglect and unsuccessful love affairs

Ignasia, 200: This is an emotional medicine. Patient is imaginative and hypothetical. Thinks if some thing happens like this way then what will happen etc. Sighing and sobbing is the main symptoms.

Nux Vomica, 30,200: If some thing is going against the patient, always keep on thinking about that issue. If there is a case going on in the court, he always keeps on thinking about case. He does not show any interest in his duty and responsibility.

Grief, Anxiety, Worry, Melancholia, Depression.

Ignasia, 200: This is an useful medicine for the bad effects of recent cases of mental agony; sorrow and Menopause in women.
Emotional element is the important for its use. Some time patient weeps and some time laugh, Symptoms similar to hysteria. Contrary moods, changing moods. Patient submerged in isolation in his grief and sorrows, sobbing and sighing. Insomnia due to some tragedy like death of wife or husband, separation of children.

Phosphoric Acid,2x:Similar to Ignasia but in chronic case of sorrows, grief, indifferent attitude for life, disappointed, failure in love affairs,, home sickness due to separation from parents, fever due to home sickness, sweating at evening time, excessive heaviness and burden in head.

Actea Racemosa,3, 6( Cimicifuga): This is an important remedy for women diseases. Patient feels as if black pall over every thing. Excessive mental depression, Thinks some unpleasant is likely to happen, nervousness with depression, restlessness and Insomnia. Can not get rid of mental depression,, unconquerable gloom in life, suicidal tendency, pain in ovaries, pain starts before commencement of menstruation, irregular menstruation, spots on the face of young women.

Veratrum Album, 30: Stupor with depression, keep silent like a stupid person, unawareness of the happening around him/her, very much indifferent, lack of vital force, anxious for the imaginary and hypothetical danger. Cold sweating over head and skin.

Opium, 30, 200: It is useful for Mental depression associated with nervousness, stupor, constipation, sad and unhappiness and low spirited patient.

Natrum Mur,30,200:In chronic cases of mental problems similar to Ignasia, heaviness in head and vertex headache, sad and disappointed, weeping tendencies, irritation, progressive weakness, dislike sympathy and get angry and irritated due to sympathy.
If Ignasia fails to cure the above symptoms, this becomes effective in chronic cases.

Magnesia carb, 200: Useful in the symptoms developed due to effect of shock, blows, mental distress.
Constipatiuon due to excess of care and worry. It can be used in 200 potency after every four hours.

Plumbum, 3, 30: Mental depression associated with persistent hard constipation, Stool black and very hard, appearance like soil balls and Stool keep on accumulating in rectum.

Calcarea carb, 200: Sad, disappointed, sorrowful, loss of self confidence, feels mind is not working and will not be to perform any mental activities.

Aurum Mur, 3x: disgusted attitude towards life, weeping and suicidal tendencies.

Aurum Met, 3, 30: Symptoms are similar to Aurum Mur.

Platina, 6x, 30: This is used especially for women. Numbness and coldness in different parts of the body, mental troubles start with suppressed menses. When physical symptoms disappears, mental symptoms appears. Low spirited and sadness after delivery, pride, thinks herself as great and low to others, even physically other people appears very small to her.

Arsenic, 30: Depression and restlessness with Physical and Mental anguish, suicidal tendency similar to Aurum met.
Sulphure, 30: Very much concerned about philosophical and religious matters, disgust about himself, dirty, avoidance to bathing, Aggravation with the heat of the bed, patient suffers of skin diseases.

Mental Weakness,Brain Fag, Forgetfulness.

Brain fag, mental weakness, loss of Memory is the problems associated with mind. The reasons of these diseased conditions are caused due to old age, senile problems, Hormonal deficiency, under nutrition, debiliting diseases, sorrows, grief, unhappiness and unsatisfied life, genetics and various other reasons.
Some Medicines which are used commonly to improve and cure these Diseased condition are given below provided the symptoms matches.

Brain Fag:

Zincum Brome, 3 X : Fagness of mind due Business pressure and tension on mind.

Kali Brome, 3x: Brain fag of Business man dut to excessive involvement in Business activities and Business pressure on mind. hard work in business, inability to do any further mental work, trembling due to Brain Fag.
Zincum Met,3, 6: It has special effect on Nervous system., patient always vibrate his legs, tremor in the body, twitching of nervous system, Brain fag.

Picric Acid, 6: Brain Fag, neurasthenia, Exhaustion of Nerve- force, headache begins after slight Mental work, pressure on the mind. Headache may be in front part of Head, vertex, pain travel up to back bone. Always feels tired, Burning in spinal column,. These symptoms appear as soon as study and mental work is started. Weakness in legs and waist, lower part of the back, feels numbness in head, feels as if insects are moving on the skins, Throbbing headache, Reading and writing aggravate the problems, Feels uncomfortable with the eyes movement,
Amelioration with Rest, in open fresh air and tight wrapping around the head.

Nux Vomica,6,30: Symptoms of Picric acid and Nux Vomica very much similar, but in Nux Vomica there are some troubles in stomach, abdomen but in Picric Acid there is no associated troubles in stomach. In the morning problems aggravate.

Phosphoric Acid,1x: Cerebro-spinal exhaustion due to excessive work and Mental pressure, heaviness in head with little work load, numbness in whole body, vertigo and dizziness, disturbed and nervous thinking process, feels as if insects are moving on the skin, weakness in legs and waist but without pain, false burning sensation, semen discharge at the time of Bowl cleaning in the toilet.

Calcarea Phos,3: Brain Fag due to family pressure, after illness.

Phosphorus, 30: Brain Fagness, suddenness of Fag, Patient tall in structure, slim, weak and have narrow chest.
Anacardium,6, 200: In students fear of Examination, Student funk before examination, Not interested in any activities, does not interested to do any work, lack of confidence, absent mindedness.

Aethusa,3,6, 30: Students not interested in study, inability to think, to fix attention,. It removes the fear of examination from student and student can face examination boldly, confidently and become successful.

Silicia, 30: Excited Nervous system, weak heart, Timid, want of physical and moral grit, Brain Fagness are the main symptoms.

Sepia, 200: Brain Fagness due to one sided occupation and similar nature of job, Headache due to Mental pressure, Brain fag.
Lycopodium,30,200:Forgets to use appropriate word during conversation, mistakes during talking, Can not remember appropriate word in time, can not understand meaning of the text which are read, but can speak and deliver lecture on a serious topic where pressure on the mind is required.
Useful for Brain Fag and for old person.


Acid Phos, 1x: First symptoms of Mental debility becomes visible and subsequently physical debility, Mental and physical debility due to rapid growth in children. Debility due to sickness, mental agony and distress, excessive sex involvement, loss of semen. Not able to concentrate in study and their activity, weak memory, not able to think properly, forgetfulness, forget every thing, Disappointment in life due to these weakness. and debility.

Baryta carb,30: Useful in physical and Mental debility andweakness in both children and old aged people. Awkward children, Both Mental and physical dwarfishness, retarded growth, tonsillitis, distended abdomen, always feeling of exhaustion, habituated of masturbation, unable to see face to face with unfamiliar person, shyness, emissions, Loss of memory, lacks of confidence, old people behaves like a child, memory weak ,not able to remember any thing. If old age is the cause of loss of memory, forgetfulness in that case it is beneficial to old people also similar to child.

Anacardium,6,30, 200: Brain fag, impaired memory, absent mindedness are the symptoms of this medicine. Forgetfulness due to exhaustion, mental work, more pronounced at morning hours,. Mental exhaustion due to excessive study at the time of examination and mind become funk. Student afraid of Examination and this fear make his mind funk.

Aethusa, 3, 30: Student not able to concentrate in his study, fearful of Examination.

Lac Caninum,3,30: Forget fullness and disturbed mind, undecided, After purchasing, forget to collect the goods, not able to concentrate, while writing forget to use proper and appropriate words.

Cannabis Indica: Q, 2X; Very forgetful, can not finish the sentence while conversation, talking.

Glonoine, 30: Very forgetful, unable to remember his name, street ,house number where he lives for last many years.

Medorrhinum, 200, 1M: Unable to remember and recall his name.

Thuja, 30, and 200: After getting up from sleep very forgetful but as time passes his memory improves.

Kalibichrome, 3x, 30: After getting up from sleep very forgetful but as time passes his memory improves. Symptoms similar to Thuja.

Mental Weakness:

Acid Phos, 1x: This is the best medicine for mental weakness. First symptoms of Mental debility becomes visible and subsequently physical debility, Mental and physical debility due to rapid growth in children. Debility due to sickness, mental agony and distress, excessive sex involvement, loss of semen. Not able to concentrate in study and their activity, weak memory, not able to think properly, forgetfulness, forget every thing, Disappointment in life due to these weakness. and debility. A very useful medicine for Mental and associated physical debility.

Anacardium, 6,200: Weak Memory, loss of Memory, exhaustion, absent- mindedness, Lack of self confidence, Useful for senile mental weakness, all organs becomes weak and do not function properly. It has a peculiarity that after meal all conditions improve, sensation of a plug in head, eyes, anus , kidneys and in other organs also.
Picric Acid, 3: Mental exhaustion, brain fag of student after hard labor, and due to this he is afraid of failing in examination,. This medicine removes this problem. Sexual excitement with Brain fag is a peculiar symptom of this medicine. Exhaustion due to mental work, exhaustion due to hot weather and during summer season.

Aethusa, 3,6,30: This is also a good medicine for Brain fag and mental exhaustion, Inability to think and to fix attention, Student who are afraid of the examination get much benefited and after its use takes interest in study and pass with good numbers. This is called funk remedy, remedy for bad mood..Publish Post Save as Draft