Sunday, December 6, 2009

Anger, Avarice, Greed, Miserliness.

During selection of the Homeopathic Medicine for a patient, the mind symptoms occupy a great significance. In the Homoeopathic way of treatment, it is belived that mind is the root cause of most of the diseases and if mind is healthy ,then other associated problems will disappear.
The problems related to mind are varied in the form of Anger,Avrice,greed,miserliness,,brooding,cheating,deciving,craving,desire for company, Desire and disgust for foods, Depression, Fear, Forgetfulness, brain fag,Homesickness,Indifference,Jelousiness,Pride,quarellsomeness,suicideal tendency, Impulses, suspicion, weeping tendency.
Part wise details of medicines are provided for ease and convenience for the user to get desired information conveniently.

Remedies for Anger:

Nux Vomica, 30: patient can tolerate the opposition, Always ready to take revenge, Irritating, can not bear opposition from any body ,not even from any object like chair etc. when Chair, tables come on his way, he throws away with his legs with irritation and anger. It is preferred at bed time is the most appropriate time for use of Nux Vomica.
The physical characteristics of Nux Vomica are lean and thin body, very sensitive nature and angry temperament.

Chamomile,3,6,30:Fastidious children, who asks and cries for some object but when offered ,throwaway the object, Child cries and can be quitened in laps of the mother or someone, He keep quite till he is in the lapse and when removed from lapse again starts to cry.
Due to anger, diarrhea, cough, cramps can develop with the child.
This is not suitable for a child who is calm and quite.
If after a gap of 20 days ,it is given in 1 CM potency to the child, the child remains calm and quite.

Staphisagria,3, 6, 30: Fastidious children, who asks and cries for some object but when offered ,throwaway the object. A person is very much concerned and conscious about other remarks and comments about himself, what other people thinks about him bothers him too much.
Extreme anger, explosion of anger, moves backward and forward in anger.
This is very much suitable if the reason of the disease is anger and insult done to him.

Iodum,3,30: Impulses and impulsive attack of anger, desires to kill his opponent immediately or some else who come on his way. He bothers for present, does not bothers for future at all.

Lycopodium,30: There are similarity in the symptoms of Nux Vomica and Lycopodium. But Nux patient become angry when some one approaches to him for fight but in Case of Lycopodium, patient appears to be always in search of opportunity to fight and quarrel and attack to others. The physical symptoms of Lycopodium are lean and thin figure and very sensitive
The physical characteristics of Lycopodium patient are lean and thin body, very sensitive nature and angry temperament

Remedies for Avarice, greed, Miserliness:

Lycopodium, 30: This is very useful for the symptoms related to Avarice, greed, Miserliness. Nux Vomica and Lycopodium both are lean and thin and angry. But Lycopodium is Avarice, greedy and Miserliness.

Pulsatila, 30: This patient is also Avarice, greedy and Miserliness. It is absent minded, low spirited and of soft nature.

Sulphur,30: This is extremely selfish, Avarice, greedy and Miserliness. It do not care for others at all.

Arsenic Alb,30: If the above medicines are successful, then it become beneficial inmost of the cases.

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